Intro to Horse Behaviour
Monday July 5th, 6:30 - 9:00pm Fee: $40
A hands-on, activity based session that focuses on understanding the differences between predator (humans) and prey (horses). Participants will have an opportunity to watch our horses together in the herd, discuss herd dynamics and body language, as well as participate in leading/leadership activities, with an aim to emphasize how horse behaviour translates when equines interact with people.

Complex Horse Behavior - Part I
Tuesday July 20th 7:00 - 8:30pm Fee: $25
This discussion based session focuses on understanding the origins and motivations of complex horse behaviours. Participants will learn solutions to help prevent and mitigate these behaviours as well as strategies they can employ to better support the horse.
Complex Horse Behavior - Part II
Tuesday July 27th, 7:00 - 8:30pm Fee: $25
This discussion based session focuses on understanding the origins and motivations of complex horse behaviours. Participants will learn solutions to help prevent and mitigate these behaviours as well as strategies they can employ to better support the horse.